Many industrial and agricultural operations involve highly volatile liquids which are subject to fume emission, or involve dry materials so fine and light they can easily escape into the air. With
the presence of these elements, an explosion is an ever-present danger. These solids, gases and vapors can generate shock waves from 35 to 120 psi. Pressures can rise from 200 to 2200 psi per
This peril has continued to exist despite precautionary training programs for workers, carefully balanced ventilation systems, and the physical separation of processing stages.
Since these efforts have not completely eliminated the explosion hazard, it is important to design buildings so that if an explosion occurs, injury and building damage can be minimized.
Vent-All washers by Fabco Fastening Systems are designed to collapse under the force of an explosion, releasing the metal panel from the structure and allowing the shock waves to escape and
Vent-All fasteners have been used successfully in construction for over forty years Reports show that in those installations where explosions have occurred, the resultant shock waves were vented
In the early 1950’s, Fabco® Fastening systems initiated experiments in the development of explosion venting, pressure-release fasteners, based on their experience in designing and marketing
fasteners for the metal building industry.
After private tests were made to develop the fastener concept, an initial series of tests was performed by Factory Mutual Research in 1958. These tests showed the merits of the system for venting
pressures inside structures
Research and private testing continued, and finally the product was introduced to the construction industry. Of the many installations on which Vent-All fasteners have been used, a small number of
reports were received that explosions had occurred and that the shock waves vented satisfactorily.